Категория: МедицинаМедицина

A bone fracture


Bio 120 by Wil Tan


A bone fracture is a medical condition in which
there is a break in the continuity of the bone.
The fracture can be the result of high force
impact or stress, or injury as a result of certain
medical conditions that weaken the bones.


Description: A closed fracture is a broken bone that does
not penetrate the skin.
Causes: A closed fracture is usually caused by an injury to
the bone as a result of a fall, accident, or other trauma,
Osteoporosis or bone stress.
Treatment: Treatments used for closed fractures depend
on the seriousness of the injury. Surgery may be
needed to repair tendons or ligaments damage.
Medication, Therapy or Surgery.


Description: A stress fracture is one type of
incomplete fracture in bones. It is caused by "unusual or
repeated stress" and also heavy continuous weight on the
ankle or leg.
It could be described as a very small sliver or crack in the bone,
sometimes called a "hairline fracture". It typically occurs in
weight-bearing bones, such as the tibia (bone of the lower
leg) and metatarsals (bones of the foot).
Causes: It is a common sports injury and most cases are
associated with athletics
Treatment: Varies depending on the location of the stress
fracture and on how quickly you need to resume activity.
Medication Therapy or surgery.


Description: Transverse or Midshaft Fractures. Transverse
fractures appear as a straight across break, typically at the
center of any given bone.
Causes: Though they can happen from an abusive event,
transverse fractures are more common in accidental
situations or direct blows.
Treatment: May involve an open or closed reduction before
the area is given a cast. Medication, Therapy or Surgury.
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