Hello. My name is Betina Anna. I am 18 years old. I am from Mosсow.

About myself and my family

1. Hello. My name is Betina Anna. I am 18 years old. I am from Mosсow.

My name is Betina
Anna. I am 18 years old.
I am from Mosсow.

2. My hometown

I was born in Moscow.It
is sufficiently
large sity.One of my
favorite places in the
sity is Vorobyovy Gory.

3. Family

I live with my
and elder brothet
Artem.Also i have older
sister.She is 4 years older
than me.In our free time
we go to the cinema or
just walk around the sity.

4. Hobbies

One of my Hobbies is music.
I very like to sing. Singing
makes me happy.Before I
used to climbing.I gave up
this hobbie,but I would like
to return it.

5. Education

I finished school
year.Education is
very important in
a person's life.I
didn't have any
favorite subjects
at school,because
at 10-11 class we
were transferred
to another
school.But now i
am first
year student of

6. Future

At the moment,
the immediate
goal is to finished
the university . I
think it's
important thing
for me now.He
studies hard,but
who said it was
easy.I hope I will
be a good TV
journalist in the
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