Просмотр PPT файлов онлайн
Лучшие презентации на тему «БЖД» за день на английском
на всех языках
на русском
на украинском
на английском
на казахском
Road safety (6 класс)
Road Safety
Healthy lifestyle
Road safety. Dos and Don’ts (6 класс)
Natural disasters
Road safety
A healthy mind in a healthy body
Road Signs
Natural disasters
Personal protective equipment
Road safety
Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
Emergency services. Types of emergency services
Organic and non-organic. Food and drink
Healthy lifestyle: Sleep
German & international flame retardant classifications
Road safety
Basic first aid
Healthy Habits
Stop Bad Habits
Positive and negative effects of the Internet
Road safety (6 класс)
Hurricane Katrina
Basic Safety Training
Hygiene of water supply
In the city. How to be safe on the road
You are what you eat
Healthy Life Style
Natural disasters
Healthy body, healthy mind
Health / illness accidents
The effect of Smoking on pregnancy and the fetus
First aid
Healthy Lifestyle
Natural disasters
Healthy Lifestyle
How does smoking kill?
Здоровый образ жизни
Hygiene of children and teenagers
Induction Training for Contractors
Healthy lifestyle
Healthy food and lifestyle
Electrical safety
Healthy lifestyle and personal hygiene. Psychohygiene. Physical culture and bases of tempering
GM food
Transportation of oil and oil product 2.0
Natural disasters
Fast food
Healthy living guide
Radiation safety training
Fire and Burns
Basic First Aid. Facilities Planning & Management
The Chernobyl Disaster
Healthy is Above Wealth
Good and bad habits
Drug addiction is a social problem
Healthy food For teens
Electrical injuries
General emergency alarm "abandon ship"
Social issues in Kazakhstan Aksana Kussainova
Health and safety training „MER”
Safety on the road
Natural disasters. Стихийные бедствия
Fight and extinguishing of fires
M –Project Training Manual
The general concepts on emergency and safety engineering
Fast Food
Earthquake in Turkey 2023
Cleaning and disinfection in the kitchen. (Chapter 6)
Electrical safety
First aid and CPR classes
Do we live to eat or do we eat to live
Secrets of longevity
Hygiene of nutrition
Terrorism. 6 things you should know about the terrorism
How to Stay Safe on the Internet (for Kids)
You are what you eat
Natural disasters
Internet security. About hackers, spam, threat identities
The harm of drugs and alcohol
Earthing and Bonding in hazardous areas
Holidays today
Warn cancer - quit Smoking todey
The role of television in our life
Individual and collective protective equipments. Actions of the population in fires and explosions in the manufactures
Healthy lifestyle
Natural disasters
Катастрофа Superjet 100 в Шереметьево
Food irradiation
Kitchen safety. (Chapter 9)
Influenza (flu) management presentation
How to behave on the train
Traffic safety tips safety
Back mechanics. Back Injuries
Ladder lunacy. The ultimate guide to how not to use a ladder
Hand safety. Tool kit
How not to trim a tree