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Лучшие презентации на тему «Экология» на английском, страница 2
на всех языках
на русском
на украинском
на английском
на казахском
Water pollutions
The Great Barrier Reef
Pollution. What is pollution?
Air pollution
City and Country
The Theme: «Toxic tones. Ocean noise pollution»
Global Warming
Marpol and other legal requirements for the protection of the environment
Әлемдегі және Қазақстандағы ауыз су мәселесі
Ecology and еnvironmental problems
Use of environmentally friendly technologies in railway transport
Ecological problems
Environmental problems. Our planet is in danger
The scientifc work "Environmental problems in the modern world and their solutions"
How do you treat the Earth?
We count that lake Baikal need protect
The Protection of Nature
Marine pollution prevention
Introduction to animal welfare
International environmental law and world order
Eliminate waste & protect the environment
Rigsite for LWD. Data management. (Lesson 6)
Man-made and natural environmental disasters
Nuclear power plants. Principle of operation and comparative analysis
Climate change
Energy resources. EM&SD lecture
Earthquake in Mexico 2012
What is litter?
Ecology. Modern Nature
Air monitoring. Air pollution. Pollutant types. Installations for air monitoring
Environmental Problems of Plast
Soil Erosion
What are ecosystems
Ocean Pollution Around the World
Class 1 General Provisions of Environmental Law of the Russian Federation
Arctic Haze
Water pollution
Presentation «Ecological problems»
Environment: What can we do
Problems of environmental pollution of the village of Adzhamka
Trace gas fluxes in Permafrost
Hazardous Waste Management
Environmental Liability
The importance of recycling
Global Environmental Problems, Environmentalisms, and the Age of Climate Change
Polluter Pays Principle
Soil pollution. Noise pollution
Water vapor
Earth day
Environmental Pollution
Earth day reducing your carbon footprint
What is ecology? What is environment?
Ecological problems of France
Endangered animals of Russia
Pollution of water
Environmental protection
Ecological problems
Environmental Protection
World Environmental Problems
Science Living Things and Their Habitats
Global problems of ecology
Environmental protection project
CO2 Reduction. Here is where your project proposal begins
Air pollution
Environmental Issues
Global warming
Natural Disasters
Endangered Species
Radioactive Pollution
Environmental issues
Ecological problems in our days
Ecological problems
The impact of rail transport on the environment
Harmful consumption of depleted resources and ways to solve this problem
Waste less (First Conditional, HW)
Global problems of humanity
The Greenhouse Effect
Advantages and disadvantages of Plastics
The planet Earth
Our planet - Earth
Deforestation. Air Pollution. Soil Destruction. Overpopulation. Water Pollution
Red wolf
Neighbourly. Go green
Nuclear pollution in Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Nuclear reactors
Air Pollution. Ways to solve this problem
Sustainable transportation
Earth alert. Fact files
Air Pollution
Acid Rain
The Recycling Loop: Closing the Circle
Pollution: Causes, Effects, and Solutions
Chernobyl Disaster
Chernobyl disaster. The worst man-made disaster in human history
Экологическая организация RSPCA
Environmental pollution
Pollution of rivers
Environmental problems