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Лучшие презентации на тему «Экология» на английском, страница 3
на всех языках
на русском
на украинском
на английском
на казахском
World wild fund for nature
Microflora and sanitary-indicative bacteria of the soil, water, air the methods of studying
Ecological problems
Water pollution
Look after this planet, it’s the only one we have
Class 02 Sources of Environmental Law of the Russian Federation
Class 3 Environmental rights and duties
The mega-transect approach as a basis for development Siberian Environmental Change Network (SecNet)
The stability of ecosystems and their resistance to contamination
Acidification in the Arctic
Priority Pollutants of the Arctic Territories
Regulating Impact Sources
Regulating Impact Sources
Regulating Soil Quality
Ecological problems today
Ecologic problems
Global environmental challenges facing the world community
Alaska SeaLife Center’s Oiled Wildlife Response Team
Hazardous Waste Management
Hazardous waste
The Faculty of Natural Sciences
Review: Colonialism, Environment and Modern World
Environmental safety. Environmental monitoring
Saving the world
European Union Energy Policy
Ecological problems
Earth day
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Carbon. Carbon cycle
Top 10 destructive natural disasters of the 20 th century
Environmental Pollution
How fast fashion harms the environment?
Our environment
Environmental Issues in Russia. 11 класс
Environmental problems
Vessel General Permit
Animals on the brink of extinction Russia
Влияние человечкства на экологию
My charity organization
It's a wonderful world we live in. But now human beings are killing our planet
World Environmental Problems
River pollution
Human pressures
Global problems of ecology
Nature and man
A healthy ocean
Earth Day
Elephant. A group called the David Sheldrick Wildlife
In Harmony with Nature
Ecological problem deforestation
Ecology and Environmental Problems
Global warming. (8)
Air pollution
The wrap on packaging
Global Warming
Radioactive Pollution
Ecological problems in India
Ecological problems in India
Social aspects of human ecology. Nutrition and human health. Dependence of the nature of food on the environment
Energy use and material cycling in ecosystems
Global Warming
Marpol Annexes - Review
Endangered Animal
Digital Ecosystem
Ecology. Урок английского языка в 7 классе
Neighbourly. Go green
Deforestation. Air Pollution. Soil Destruction. Overpopulation. Water Pollution
World Wide Fund for Nature
Nuclear pollution in Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Environment, weather and climate
National parks and reserves of Belarus
Plastic waste management strategies in various countries
Загрязнение почвы
Volzhskaya hydroelectric power station (Hydro, VHPP)
Әлемдегі және Қазақстандағы ауыз су мәселесі
Sustainable transportation
Changing environment
Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change
Save the environment
Sedimentation tank
Going green
Digitalization of thermal power plant technological processes
Eco-friendly cars
Nature preserves of coastal areas
Geodetic control network. (Lecture 4)
World animal day
The most environmentally friendly sources of energy
How green are you?
Go green
Waste Disposal
Radiation hygiene
Hygienic characteristic of tropic climate
Endangered animals
Regulating air quality
The ecological monitoring of soils condition. (Lesson 9)
Natural resource depletion