Просмотр PPT файлов онлайн
Лучшие презентации на тему «Экология» на английском
на всех языках
на русском
на украинском
на английском
на казахском
What is e-waste?
Going green: in danger
The Environmental Protection
Water pollution
Global ecological problems of the Earth
Global environmental problems and solutions
Ecological problems
Eco festivals
Global Climate Change
Global Issues. Form 8
Air pollution
What Is Recycling?
Eco-helpers. Spotlight 7
Global problems of today
Environmental pollution
Green belts
Global issues
Квиз "Таёжный экокласс"
Environmental problems
Ecological Problems
Global Problems: Environment
Global Warming
Neighbourly. Go green
Unit 3 earth & our pl anet on it
The recycling loop
The World’s Best Friend Is You» What do I do? What does it mean for nature?
Environmental problems. Our planet is in danger
Air Pollution
Ecological problems
What is Ecology ?
Man and nature. Our Earth is our home
Save the Earth
Renewable energy
Pollution in our environment
Ecological problems of Kazakhstan
Ecological problems. Pollution and protection of our environment
Global environmental problems of our time
Environmental Protection
«Environmental Issues» Module: Earth Alert!
Environmental problems and ways to solve them
The environmental pollution
Air Pollution: The Dirty Truth
How to Save the Environment (for Teens)
Solar energy
Air Pollution
5. Human ecology
Ecology, Life on the planet Earth, Biosphere
Global Issues
Water pollution
Save the Earth!
What is Climate Change?
Environmental issues of the world
Introduction to Ecology. Ecological factors
Ecological problems
Introduction. Waste Management and Recycling Introduction
The ecological crisis and the problems of modern civilization
Who is in charge of our planet
Plastic Pollution
Air pollution
Ecotourism in Kazakhstan
Environmental problems
Climate and weather
Climate change
Global problems of 21st century
Advantages and disadvantages of Plastics
Radionuclides in the Arctic
The Chernobyl Disaster
Is smoke from cars, cigarettes, power plants and factories harmful?
Глобальные экологические проблемы
Environmental pollution
Enviromental protection
World Water Day
Water pollution
Ecological problems and ways of solving tham
Pollution in the world
Marpol and other legal requirements for the protection of the environment
Paper VS Plastic
Environmental compliance training
Ecological problems
Autecology (idioecology) or Individual Ecology
Ecological problems of Kazakhstan
Environment – Learn to Be Responsible!
Enviromental protection. Vocabulary
The future of our planet
City Life and Country Life
Green Transport
Ecological problems in our days
Endangered animals
Endangered animals. The most endangered species
Water pollution and consequences
Air Pollution
National Park «Elk Island»
Waste to energy a redeemer for investors, ecologists & environmentalists
Plastic pollution
Ecological Problems
Ecological problems
The problems of Environmental pollution
Climate сhange: The basics