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Лучшие презентации на тему «Экология» на английском, страница 4
на всех языках
на русском
на украинском
на английском
на казахском
The ecological monitoring of soils condition. (Lesson 9)
Natural resource depletion
Reduction of biodiversity
Environmental Modeling in Industrial Application Models for Supporting Incident Evolution: Release of Dense-than-air Pollutants
Save the arctic
This Changes Everything. Capitalism vs. The Climate. Naomi Klein
Экологические проблемы Иркутской области
Moscow Digital Herbarium and the National Depository Bank of Live Systems Initiative (Russia)
Global Problems of Ecology
What are ecosystems
Consequences of the greenhouse effect for the world
Environmental entrepreneurship
Unpacking the Water-Energy-Food Nexus from the regional to local level
Ecological regulation and reduction of environmental pollution
If you don’t think about the future, you will not have it
Think green
Environmental problems of Pinsk
Green office
Green bonds are making headlines
Ozone depletion
Sampling and data quality objectives for environmental monitoring
Regulating Water Quality
Ecological problems today
Introduction. Waste management
Anthropogenic factors of occurrence instability in the biosphere
Land pollution
Earth is our bigger home
Environmental Administration and Legislation
Environmental Administration and Legislation. Land Use Plan as a tool for Environmental Protection
What I Think About Environmental Problems
Make a difference. 7 good ideas to help protect the Environment
The importance of recycling
Oceans in danger. Океаны в опасности
Form an idea of the biosphere’s structure, the role of a living substance, evolution of the biosphere
Sustainability: from social democracy to neoliberalism
The seventh continent
Earth Day - April 22
Nothing is forever
Ecological problems. What you can do to protect our planet
Description of various technologies in metallurgy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Description of various technologies in metallurgy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
Harmful environmental factors
Greenpeace is an international organisation
Red book: endangered animals
Endangered Species
What can we do to save the Earht?
3 GW nuclear fusion power station within 3-4 years realizable!
Plastic is one of the challenges of the 21st century
Your future, our future. Environment quiz
Environmental protection measures taken by your city authorities
Paper VS Plastic. Paper bags vs. plastic bags: which is really better?
How to help nature
Environmental issues
Global problems of humanity
City and Country
Bio-monitoring and bio-indicators in the aspect of climate change
All about weather
Scientists have made an alarming discovery about what kinds of pollution are most harmful to seabirds. (1)
Ecology. Introduction
Report on the Problems and Consequences
Renewable energy (solar power)
Ecological problems and environmental protection
Environment Protection
Endangered animals and plants
Medical Waste
Eco-Friendly Organizations
Recycling rubbish is the only way to save our planet
Think Green!
Forest fire. What’s it?
Natural environment and how people harm it
Protection of the marine environment in international law
Let’s speak about Ecology
Climate Action Plan. Draft Plan Presentation and Discussion
Ecological protection
Marpol and other legal requirements for the protection of the environment
Environmental problem of deforestation
Air pollution
Protecting the planet for future generation
Preserving our oceans. Sustainable future
Environmental compliance training
Development of techniques and methods to reduce the impact of port construction on the coastal-marine zone
Cars pollute the air
The Recycling Loop: Closing the Circle
Ecology, Environmental Problems
Environmental protection
Ecological Renaissance
Pollution in the world
Global Climate Change
Влияние экологии на здоровье людей
Экологические проблемы современного центрального Казахстана: вызовы и возможные решения
Solving the “Tritium Problem” in Nuclear Industry
Green roofs. Technology. Advantages and disadvantages
Environmental protection newsletter
Первые. Экология
Save the world. Free powerpoint templates