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Лучшие презентации на тему «Экология» на английском, страница 1
на всех языках
на русском
на украинском
на английском
на казахском
Climate сhange: The basics
Ecology of railway transport
Ecological problems
Extinction of animals
Problem-solving essay
Enviroment. Air pollution
Lecture # 7 Solar Thermal Energy 1. Low Potential Heat
Ecological problems of Kazakhstan
Chernobyl – 30 years later
The ecological problems. Pollution of our environment
Environmental problems
Ecology In Russia
Environmental pollution
Breaking the wall of plastic pollution
The greenhouse effect
Ecological Problems
Global Warming
Keeping Our Local Park Clean
Green Chemistry for Life
Nature pollution
Climate change
The Great Barrier Reef
Endangered species of living organisms endangered animals
Save the earth
IE350 Alternative Energy Course
Ecological factors
Endangered Animals of Great Britain. Form 6-7
The Eco Day
Challenges to Sustainability Population. Energy Resource Depletion. Chernobyl
Environmental pollution. Water pollution
What can we do to save the Earth?
20 years from Сhernobyl
Ecology around us
Ecosystem services
Hygiene of water supply
Environmental Science
Classification of Analytical Methods
Sustainable development
Recycling is one of the best ways to help protect our environment
Global Issues and Threats
Earth day. Аpril 22
Ecological problems
Ecological problems Climate change
Global environmental problems
Environmental protection measures in conditions industrial production
Ecological problems
Global warming
Plastic pollution, a part of our ecological footprint
The Environmental Problems
10 Worst Man Made Disasters of All Time
What is ecology? What is environment?
A nuclear power plant (NPP)
The endangered animals
“Green City” concept
Managing medical and environmental emergencies
Environment protection. Ecological disasters of our time
Air pollution
The ecological crisis and the problems of modern civilization
Ecological problems
We are killing nature
Global warming
Phytoremediation of heavy metals-concepts and applications
How do you treat the Earth
Climate change
Method of hygienic assessment of dangerous and harmful factors of the industrial environment
T. C. Boyle "A Friend of the Earth"
Презентация recycling
Recycling. What is Recycling?
Ecological Problems Pollution and protection of our environment
Environmental risk assessment
Arctic Climate Change
Heavy metals
Presentation «Ecological problems»
Threats to our environment teacher switcher
Population Ecology or Demecology
Synecology or - Community Ecology лекция
Earth Day April 22nd
Environmental Protection ( Охрана окружающей среды). 7 класс
Eliminate waste & protect the environment
Ecology problems…
Ecology in our life
Energy Efficiency in the context of the European Green Deal
Global warming and greenhouse effect
Water Pollution
Ecological Problems
Water pollutions
Animal life of the UK
Environmental Issues
Recycling materials and containers
Pollution. What is pollution?
Acid rain
Environmental protection
Air pollution
Hazardous waste
Earth alert. Fact files