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Лучшие презентации на тему «Финансы» за день на английском, страница 2
на всех языках
на русском
на украинском
на английском
на казахском
Bank of Canada
Money and lifestyle (lesson 3)
Accounting principles and concepts
The impact of credit supply shocks in the euro area: market-based financing versus loans
Price offer for the provision of audit services by Independent Audit Company «Concord» LLP
WTO and World Bank
Quantitave Methods. Part 1. Time value of money (TVM)
The united states dollar
Accounting and the Business Environment
Interest Rates
Risk, Return and Interest Rates Assoc. Prof. Hülya Hazar
The Money Markets Assoc. Prof
Development Policies (cross-country case report)
Sinopec Group Since
Financial Institutions: Investment Banks, Eximbanks
Tx24. Investors Pitch
Managing financial resources
The official currency japanese, yen
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
The United Arab Emirates. The country’s taxation system
Investments. Differentiated projects
Improving the functioning mechanism of various segments of the securities market
Efective Property Investments in the European Market
Malaysian FIU – Establishing an FIU, Issues and ResolutionsBy
Interest rates. (Lecture 3)
Exchange rates. (Lecture 4)
Actual problems of commercial banks deposit policy
The equity. Implications of taxation. Tax incidence. (Lecture 11-19)
Other forms of tax supervision
Tax and taxation. Corporate income tax
System of mortgage lending of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The business cycle
Russian Central bank. Let the ruble to free floating
Impecca plan
Financial econometrics
Choose the right tools to build your retirement savings
Municipal investment plan
Professional wealth management. Financial managemen
Review of the grain market. Prices for wheat
Wiener Processes and Itô’s Lemma. (Chapter 12)
Registration for spring 2016
Sequential games. Empirical evidence and bargaining. (Lecture 5)
Evolutionary games. (Lecture 7)
Communication and signaling. (Lecture 8)
Mechanism design. (Lecture 9)
Auctions. (Lecture 10)
Financial accounting 2
Application: The Costs of Taxation
Secure business management consultant
The normal distribution
Overview of the U.S. Health Care System
Health Insurance in the United States
Public health. Medicare and medicaid. Law and poverty
Health care systems and policy. (Chapter 9)
Health insurance. The basics
Chapter 25. Capturing Equity Risk Premia
Developer Day
Electricity markets. Natural monopoly model
Modern monetary policy of the national bank of the republic of Kazakhstan
The monetary system of Russia
BitTitan. A revolutionary source of financing
Futures and Forwards
Target costing lecture
Consumer markets and consumer buyer behavior
Introduction to finance
Strategic Alliance
Steps to Becoming a CPA
Executive summary – quick recap
Introduction to business. Business strategy
Mathematics in Finance
Merit scholarship programme for IDB member countries. Scholarship Division Islamic Development Bank Group Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Pricing concepts. The nature of price. Price and nonprice competition. (Chapter 21)
Pricing decisions. Pricing concepts. (Chapter 21)
Invest in Almaty region
Macro-prudential policy and its instruments
Development of a macro-prudential framework. Example of a macro-prudential policy framework for Europe
Financial stability and macroprudential oversight in Germany
Macro-prudential oversight within the European Union. The European Systemic Risk Board
Essential criteria for recognizing transaction, as foreign investment
External and internal audit
Fundamental legal principles
Money Matters
Advanced administrative topics
International union
The Inflation in Healthcare Industry of Kazakhstan
Foreign exchange market
Introduction to Project Finance. Project Appraisal, Financing and Management
Process Costing
Activity-Based Costing and Activity-Based Management
Transmission mechanisms of monetary policy: the evidence
Participation banks in the financial system of Turkey
Risk premium. Adjustment of risk
Money Demand, Money Supply, Liquidity Trap
Investments Investment management
Money Idioms
Financial Statement Analysis: Lecture Outline
Exchange rate pass-through in Russian Federation
Accrual Accounting VS. Cash Accounting
Innovations in Insurance