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Лучшие презентации на тему «Биология» за неделю на английском
на всех языках
на русском
на украинском
на английском
на казахском
Human muscular system
Alexander Fleming. Mistakes that worked
Modern genetics
Sensory systems
Human integumentary system (SKIN)
The Structure and Function of Large Biological Molecules
Human body
Anatomy of the human brain
Lymphatic system
Biochemistry: an Introduction
Anatomy Of The Skin. Lecture 1
Respiratory System
Physiology of digestion and absorption
The human brain
Diabetes mellitus. (Subject 8)
Class muscle
Charles Darwin
Chapter 12. The Cell Cycle
Respiratory system
Interesting facts about genetics
Skeletal System
KS4 Plant Nutrition. Plant Nutrition
Rat Dissection
Biotechnology (applied biology)
Structure of DNA and its function
Protein denatu-ration
Animals. Своя игра
The human skeleton
Physiology of eye. Physiology of vision
Overview of immune system
Bread and baker's yeast
Human locomotion system
Cell structure. Cell Theory
Parts of Human Skeleton
Enteric bacterial pathogens
Wild and Domestic Animals
Pathology of respiration. (Subject 15)
What is infection
Levels of biological organization
Plant Cells. Overview of Plant Structure
Vitamins. Classes of Vitamins
DNA Replication, RNA Structure & Function, and Compare DNA & RNA
The structure and functions of skin
Synecology or - Community Ecology лекция
Bone Classification
Animal’s world
Wild animals. Интерактивная игра
Animal Nutrition
Liver cirrhosis
Introduction to metabolism
A Tour of the Cell
Human circulatory system
Genetic Engineering
Endangered animals
Animal Reproduction
The Nervous System
Brainstem. Cerebellum. Reticular formation
Fungi: recyclers, pathogens, parasites, and plant partners
Physiology of kidneys
Biology of the Cell
Loss of biodiversity
Transcription and Translation and the Genetic Code
Forest Animals
Human genetics
Learner autonomy
Lecture B6: DNA Replication, Transcription and Translation
Anatomy and morphology of plants
The skeleton
Classification and nomenclature of organic compounds
Respiratory System
Fats and oils
Development and Ageing
The animal world
Male reproductive system
Nucleic acids
Central nervous system
Protein synthesis
Variability is the ability of living organisms to acquire new marks
Interesting facts about the tiger
Cells and the plasma membrane. Lecture B4
Animals (diapositiva 1)
Morphology of the viruses
Lecture 1. Immunology. Introduction & Innate immunity
Electron transport system
The Cytoskeleton: Intermediate Filaments and Microtubules
Membrane Structure and Function
Endangered species of animals
Hypoxia. (Subject 7)
Eukaryotic cell structure
Hierarchy of Biological Organization. Chemical Level
Plant Diversity II: The Evolution of Seed Plants
Cell Membrane Fluid Mosaic
Visual Processing
Red panda
Cell structure function