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Лучшие презентации на тему «Химия» за неделю на английском, страница 1
на всех языках
на русском
на украинском
на английском
на казахском
General aspects of chemical structure and reactivity of organic compounds
Why use plastics
Chemical potential. Chemical potential of an ideal gas
Types of chemical reactions
Electrolytes. Reactions in Aqueous Solutions
Другие методы исследования структуры белков
Carbohydrates and their metabolism
Study of the properties of halogens and the determination of halide ions in aqueous solution
Crystal structure and surface phase composition of palladium oxides thin films for gas sensors
Biochemistry. What is biochemistry?
α-Aminoacids, peptides, proteins
Physical properties of ferrite nanocomposite doped with transition metal ions
The halogens
Alternative fuel
Crystallography. Part 4: Crystal Forms Twinning
Atomic number, Mass number and Isotopes
Polymerase chain reaction
Chemical Formulas and Nomenclature of compounds
Mass spectrometry
Atoms, Molecules, and Ions
Сarbonyl compounds. Carboxylic acids. Lipids
Oxygen, O2
Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev
Alkaline Button Cell (Zinc/MnO2 in KOH)
Plastic is one of the challenges of the 21st century
Metal poisoning – copper, zinc, thallium, tin, selenium, arsenic Lecture No. 10
Determination of natural ruby by inclusions, using the example of the vietnamese ruby
Electrochemical Cells. You need
The mechanism of DNA deactivation by hydrogen peroxide action
Colloidal solutions coarsely dispersed systems
Introduction in bioorganic chemistry. Isomerism and structure of organic compounds
Radiation dosimetry
History of radioactivity
Solutions. Acid–base equilibrium in biological systems
Enzymes The classification and nomenclature. Lyases and Transferases
Organic Compounds
Cellulase. Introduction (source)
Nucleic acids
Internal сombustion engine. The fuels and emissions control. Engine fuels
Solutions and solubilities
Electron Structure
Buffer solutions
Physical chemistry of nanostructured systems
Titration and Acid-Base Neutralization
Types of chemical bonds in crystals
The translation and transcription
NPK Fertilizers. Classification of fertilizers
Chemical physics. Atomic structure
Functions of proteins
The application nanotechnology in chemistry
Chemical Reactions and Stoichiometry
Electrochemical processes
Aqueous Solutions of Electrolytes
Physical chemistry of nanostructured systems.( lecture no. 7)
Physical chemistry of nanostructured systems (lecture no. 5)
Chemical reactions. (Chapter 5)
General properties Transition Metals
Chemical element
Anti-food. Classification of food additives
Silicon. Silicate minerals. Weathering
The Sulphur cycle. The Sulphur dioxide problems
Nitrogen. Phosphorus
Chemical Bonding I: Basic Concepts
Первичная структура, идентификация белка. Масс-спектрометрия
Nature of chemical elements in solid state
Poly (ethene). Polyethylene
Циклическая вольтамперометрия
Plastic varieties and applications in construction
Materials. Metals non-metals
Definition of ceramics
Nanotechnology (theoretical part)
Carbohydrates and lipids
Chemical Equilibrium. Topic 3.3
The structure of the Periodic table
Extraction of semivolatile organics from liquids. Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME)
Uni̇versi̇tà Della Calabri̇a
Atomic Models & Atomic Structure
Substitution reactions of halogenoalkanes
Faradays Laws of Electrolysis - First and Second Laws
Чай: как он приятен, вкусен, ароматен (английский язык+химия) в 8-г классе
The Krebs cycle
Shells, sub-shells & orbitals
Milk Composition. Proteins - Молоко
Effect of anodizing parameters on growth of selfordering TiO2
Radioimmunoassay& enzyme linked immunosorbent
Tungsten. (Вольфрам)
Characterization of Ge-containing defect in diamond
Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev
EPR of phosphorus in diamond crystals. An influence of nitrogen impurity, HTHP treatment and high phosphorus concentration
Radiation-induced desorption of excited atoms from solid nitrogen
CО2 sequestration in mining residues – probing heat effects associated to carbonation
Structural revision of (+)-uprolide F diacetate confirmed by asymmetric total synthesis
Sources of alkanes and cycloalkanes. Crude oil
Alkanes. A “family” of hydrocarbons
Carbon and the molecular diversity of life. (Chapter 4)