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Лучшие презентации на тему «Программирование» за день на английском
на всех языках
на русском
на украинском
на английском
на казахском
Artificial intelligence
Python haqida
Famous people in the field of programming
My future profession - programmer
20 and 30 Series VGA card repair guide
COMP6411. Comparative study of programming languages. (Part 2)
Set Theory
Module 1 – Hardware & Installation
Generic Collections Java Core
Algorithms and data structures (lecture 9)
Data Science. Programming
Programming languages
Test. Documentation overview
Video games
Satrlar ko'rinishi
Machine Learning Algorithms. Lecture 1
Introduction to Machine Learning. Algorithms
Algorithms and data structures. Lecture 6. Sorting
JavaScript asoslari. JavaScript ssenariyli tili xususiyatlari
HTML Forms
Lecture1 - SOA, XML, XSD
ADS:lab session #2
Programming ASP
Programming paradigms
Programming paradigms
Introduction to artificial intelligence А* Search
Test cases overview v.1.5
Scheduling. Introduction
Test Design Techniques
Data Types and Operators (Java, Lecture 04)
Module 8. Regular Expressions
Programming Languages: Concepts and Constructs by Ravi Sethi
Conditional statements. Java Core
Matlab Linear Programming
Python programming language
Shortest paths and spanning trees in graphs
C++ Network Programming Systematic Reuse with ACE & Frameworks
Introduction to MS EXCEL
The Essence of C++ with examples in C++84, C++98, C++11, and C++14
Introduce to Petri nets
Single Machine Scheduling Problems can be Reduced to the Linear Assignment Problem
Programming in the Integrated Environments. Programming in the Scilab system
Основы Python. Пакет NumPy
String. Regular expression
Learn Python in three hours
Introduction to computers, programs, and Java (chapter 1)
Encapsulation and Subclassing
Primitive data types
Advanced Programming I
Programming Logic and Design Seventh Edition. Chapter 1. An Overview of Computers and Programming
Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques
Файл. Данные
Introduction to C++. Programming
JAKA SDK. Python
2. Java Basics. 4. Java Classes
5. Java collections and Generics. 3. Generics
Wearing the hair shirt. A retrospective on Haskell
Web programming. JSP
Spring Framework
Test approaches, levels, types
Programming paradigms
06-Understanding JavaScript and Coding Essentials
Text processing. (Chapter 23)
Microsoft official course. Creating methods, handling exceptions, and monitoring applications. (Module 2)
Cryptography and Network Security. Chapter 5. Fifth Edition by William Stallings
Parametric Linear Programming
Module 7: Accessing DOM with JavaScript
Web server with PHP
Parallel programming technologies on hybrid architectures
C# Exception handling. Handling Errors during the Program Execution
Object oriented programming in python
Java Core Introduction
Arrays Loops. Java Core
Java Collections Framework
High and low level programming languages. Basics of programming languages
High and low level programming languages
C# decision and iteration constructs
Introduction to jQuery
Software Developers Conference New York City
Requirements Engineering
Internet and Java Foundations, Programming and Practice
Programming for Engineers in Python. Fall 2018
C++ Programming
Mathematical functions, characters, and strings. Introduction to Java Programming
CSE 326: Data Structures. Mergeable Heaps. Lecture #22
Java 4 WEB. Lesson 3 - OOP
Software Development Life Cycle and Methodologies
Breaking out of Garry’s Mod’s Lua sandbox
Dynamic Programming. Lec 10
Interfaces & C# Collections. Agenda
NET Framework and C# language
Embedded systems. What is Arduino
Playtika assignment
Java. Unit and Integration Testing
Python programming
Classification of programming languages
Strings and Characters
Python philosophy
Основы языка C++. Часть 2. Программирование на языке С++. Лекция 2