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Лучшие презентации на тему «Менеджмент» за день на английском
на всех языках
на русском
на украинском
на английском
на казахском
Telephone etiquette
Managing marketing information to gain customer insights. Chapter 4
Cisco ACI Overview
Operational Risk Management: Best Practice Overview and Implementation
What would happen if you quit texting for a week?
The Evolution of Management Theory
Service Quality & Customer Experience Management
Management styles
Priciples of management
Linear Regression and Correlation Analysis
Amur GCC project - kick-off Meeting EPSS Phase. part 1
Styles of Leadership
Introduction to Human Resource management
The Nature of Strategic Management
Time management
Integrated management system
Production and Operations Management: Manufacturing and Services
Conflict management. (Session 9.16)
Human resource management. (Session 7.10)
SMCP. The Standard Marine Communication Phrases
Hotel Reservations
Human resource management
Modern theory of organization management
The Project Management Process Groups: A Case Study
Financial management
Project Management
History of Management
Problem Solving and Need Recognition Techniques (1)
Managers and managing. (Session 1)
Lecture 1. Strategic management
Leadership. What makes a leader
Business Etiquette in China
Making Appointments
Managing Human Resources. Creating and Managing Teams
Hotel management. Revenue management
Innovation management. Introduction to innovation management
Marketing Management. Marketing for the New Realities
Chapter One. Introduction to Financial Management
Lean Systems. Chapter 16
Types of business letters
Human resources management
Managers as Decision Makers
Introduction to food & beverage service. Sectors of the Food Service Industry
How to become a successful manager
Operations management. Managing quality, efficiency, and responsiveness to customers technology. (Session 8.18)
Chapter 5. Foundations of business intelligence: databases and information management
Time management
Market entry modes for international business. (Lecture 2)
International strategic management. (Lecture 3)
Strategic marketing management
Models of decision making
Logistics Management
The theory of management. Lecture 1. Basics of management
Cost Management
What is strategy and why is it important. (Chapter 1)
Business ethics
Chapter 2. Global e-business and collaboration
Planning as a function of management
Motivation. The process of motivation
Managing human resources
Personal development is a lifelong process
Innovation types
What skills make a good manager? Management styles
Performance management. Life cycle costing. (Topic 2)
The definition of management
Data Management: Warehousing, Analyzing, Mining, and Visualization
Support Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) Processes
Human resource management
Consumer Behavior
Flexible Project Management Methodologies. Lecture 6. Managing IT Project Quality
Evaluating a company’s. External environment. (Chapter 3)
Management Science
Global Manager
Performance management. Throughput accounting. (Topic 3)
Profit Planning
Business Ethics
Strategic Thinking & Creative Problem Solving
Leadership. (Session 8.13)
Project Management Tools - Planning & Scheduling Tools (P2). GANTT Charts
Marketing management
What Is Strategic Management?
The manager as a person
Strategic Management. Contemporary strategic analysis
Managing Risk
Performance Measurement
Test Management (section 5)
Organizatorial buying behavior
Segmenting the business market
A business marketing perspective
Quality assurance vs quality control. (Chapter 5)
Project Risk Management
Employee selection. (Chapter 7)
Global link logistics
Project Management Tools - CPA
Project Management Tools - MS Project
Crisis management for companies
Ethical theories and business ethics
Advanced. Topics in risk management