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Лучшие презентации на тему «Программирование» на английском, страница 5
на всех языках
на русском
на украинском
на английском
на казахском
Vue JS The Progressive JavaScript Framework
Survey of game engines
Programming languages
Secrets Which you never noticed in Night Shift at Freddy’s
Git python core
Creation of a site to search for car services
Product placement in video games. An analysis of the impact of product placement in video games on customers purchasing decision
Основы программирование: Введение в Java. Коллекции
Files. Lecture 25
Autodesk Vault Professional
Java 4 WEB. Lesson 10 - IO, NIO
Java Database Connectivity. Lesson 14
Display: flex
Язык программирования Turbo Pascal
Main Game
Widget, element and render Trees
Algorithmic strategies
Creating Session Beans
VBA. Основные конструкции
Deep learning in computer vision. Нейронные сети
Find numbers 0-10 and click them
XML Processing
The intermediate levelHypertext Markup Language (HTML)
Profession programmer
CSS selectors priorities
Types and basic structures data in R
KNX Manufacturer Tool
Java Core. Introduction
By Artem Morozov
Superheroes in villais
Suffixes of Adjectives GO
Game Speaking by helgabel
How to made a DOS Bootable
Java OOP/OOD concepts
Java Exceptions. Java Collection API
Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN)
Class Object. Type Declarations. Class
Creating Functions and Debugging Subprograms
Creating Packages
Functions. Lesson 5
Basic Switch. Setup
Protecting Management Access
Managing Software and Configurations
HTML5. Chapter 3: HTML for Content Structure
HTML 5. Introduction to HTML
Bash programming part 1
Графические примитивы. Lazarus. Урок 18
IT System analysis: system analysis approaches
Язык Java. Знакомство с таймером, клавиатурой и мышкой. Создание заготовки для игры
Software Installation guide for the Windows environment. Java from scratch. Get ready before the classes
JavaScript Date
Одномерные и двумерные массивы
Testing. General overview. Software testing
Hello world. Your first program
Programing C
Scope in ES3 World
OpenSymphony SiteMesh
Массивы. System. Array
Propositional logic
Java Building Blocks
Object Oriented Programming
Python programming language
Exceptions in Java
GIT: getting decentralized
Assemply exercises
Huffman coding (student’s supervised self study work)
A program structure of a Borland C++
Performance review. Reactive programming
Python. Строки
Simulation examples
JavaScript. Using Handlebars
Основы ASP.NET 3
Computing Models Overview. Batch processing
ETE2AE+ETZ09E – Operating systems and Computer Networks (Lecture 1)
Remote method invocation in Java
How it+ differs from ++i
SOLID Principles Every Developer Should Know
Thinking functionally with haskell
Solving Malware Classification Task using Python
ECIS. User trraining
Software Engineering Fundamentals: MS.NET
Intro to Python. Visual studio code
Asymptotic Analysis
Net Sockets
Agenda Software Testing Jira
Neural Networks
Operators & Expressions. Lecture 3
Object Oriented Programming
Control and monitoring system (CMS)
HTML – Hypertext Markup Language
Cs 5220: computer communications
Git intro
Pointers in C++
Functions in JavaScript
A two-pass authenticated encryption mode
Lua data types
TypeScript In-Depth: Intro