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Лучшие презентации на тему «Программирование» на английском, страница 1
на всех языках
на русском
на украинском
на английском
на казахском
Android development
Data Types and Operators (Java, Lecture 04)
Common Type System. Value and reference types in C#
The Basics of Object Lifetime. Disposing objects (Java)
Parallel programming technologies on hybrid architectures
Introduction to serialization
Analysis and Design of Data Systems. Functional Dependencies and Normalization Theory (Lecture 15)
Fixed Points
Java Troubleshooting and Diagnostic
Common C++ Performance Mistakes in Games
Records C++ Structs
String Regular Expression. Java Core
Java 8 Stream API
High and low level programming languages
Interfaces. C# Collections
C++ Network Programming Systematic Reuse with ACE & Frameworks
Basic programming
IDP for Machine Learning
Internet and Java Foundations, Programming and Practice
Prefer interfaces to abstract classes. (Item 18, 19)
The Essence of C++ with examples in C++84, C++98, C++11, and C++14
CSS Grid Layout (aka "Grid")
Основы Python
Mathematical functions, characters, and strings. Introduction to Java Programming
Introduce to Petri nets
Development and Simulation
Statistical programming languages
Creating Procedures
HTML Table
NET Framework and C# language
Programming in the Integrated Environments. Programming in the Scilab system
Servlet. Epam Java training
Solving Malware Classification Task using Python
Introduction to SmartUI SDK
Machine Learning
Agenda Software Testing Jira
Operators & Expressions. Lecture 3
Arrays. Loops
Java EE, Servlets
Introduction to C#
Python philosophy
Основы языка C++. Часть 2. Программирование на языке С++. Лекция 2
Traversing a Binary Tree
LINQ 2. Метод ElementAt
Introduction. Chapter 1
Machine Learning Algorithms. Lecture 1
Operator Overloading
Digital Logic and Digital Systems. Third lecture
Coding, cryptography and cryptographic protocols
Spring Rest API. Serialization. JSON
Algorithms. Programming languages. Session 20
Python While, For Loops
Algorithms and data structures
File systems and directories. (Chapter 11)
Angular Basics
HTML Forms
Shell Scripting
Lecture 12: Control Flow
Интерфейс передачи сообщений MPI
How to Port WDM Driver to KMDF
1. Introduction to Java Language. 2. Java SDK & IDE
2. Java Basics. Java Statements
2. Java Basics. 4. Java Classes
2. Java Basics. 4. Java Classes
4. Java OOP. 5. Abstract Classes
Wearing the hair shirt. A retrospective on Haskell
6. Java basic I/O 5. Java and XML
7. Java databases and JDBC 3. JDBC Additional Tasks
ITK Lecture 4. Images in ITK
Scala. Lists
Scala. Java to Scala
3. Java Persistence API. 5. Transaction Management
3. Java Persistence API. 4. Entity Relationships
Introduction to JavaScript (part1)
ADS:lab session #2
Course object oriented programming lecture 2
Programming ASP
Enum, number, string
Operating system. Chapter 4: Threads
Создание и управление потоками
HTML documents and JavaScript
Text processing. (Chapter 23)
System development life cycle (SDLC) CS208
Using jquery. Creating animations, working with graphics, and accessing data
Operating systems. (Chapter 10)
E -doctor user’s manual
Building the user interface by using HTML 5. Оrganization, input, and validation
HTML+CSS course
Exceptions and testing
Data Modeling and Databases Lab 3: Introduction to SQL
Unit 17: IT Project Introduction. What is Project Management
Linux Commands
Linux Basics
Advanced x86. BIOS and System Management Mode Internals Reset Vector
Unit 6: Software Design & Development. Data Types in Programming
Risk management