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Лучшие презентации на тему «Программирование» на английском, страница 1
на всех языках
на русском
на украинском
на английском
на казахском
Traversing a Binary Tree
OOP’s Using JAVA
Introduction. Chapter 1
Assignment Method
Task and Data Parallelism: Real-World Examples
Open WorkShop. Rhapsody in C++
Algorithms and data structures. Lecture 1. Introduction and Overview
Association analysis
Serialization in .Net. 2023
Chapter 29 Multithreading
Number System
Java Basics
Introduction to C++
Introduction to Programming Language
Programming languages
Introduction to C++
Denial-of-Service Attacks. Chapter 7. Computer Security: Principles and Practice
Key Management. Cryptography applications
HTML Table
Karmarkar Algorithm
Programming Logic and Design Seventh Edition
Restful services. Part 1. Rest pattern. Example
Finite Element Analysis Using Abaqus
Data structures. Sets. Unit 11.2А
Lecture 12: Control Flow
Ericson Memory Optimization
Chapter 7 - C Pointers
4. Java OOP. 5. Abstract Classes
8. Java concurrency 1. Threads
Introduction to Maya
Programming paradigms
Enum, number, string
Spring security fundamentals
Classes. Interfaces. Inheritance
HTML+CSS course
Programming Logic and Design, Seventh Edition
Programming Logic and Design Seventh Edition. Chapter 4. Making Decisions
Elementary programming. Motivations
Android development
Intrusion Detection. Chapter 8. Computer Security: Principles and Practice
Binary Search Trees
Recursion. Tuples, lists, dictionaries
Future graphics in games
Basic programming
Test cases creation. Part 1. Tat training
Chapter 4 Computation
Pointers. Lecture18-20
Data. Structures in Python for Data analysis. lecture 2
Embedded systems. What is Arduino
Video games
Introduction to Computer Science
Использование SQL-функций
Introduction to Java
Introduction to IT
Programming on Python (lecture 8)
Digital Logic and Digital Systems. Third lecture
JetPack Compose
Solving ultimate pit limit problem through graph closure (L-G algorithm) and the fundamental tree algorithm
CSS3 asoslari. Effektlar, transformatsiya, animatsiya
Algorithms and Programming
Object-oriented programing
HTML5. Chapter 3: HTML for Content Structure
Operating systems. (Chapter 10)
AngularJS basics
HTML 5. Introduction to HTML
8. Java concurrency 2. Synchronization
NGS data analysis: from FASTQ to VCF
JAKA SDK. Python
Lecture 01. The basic concepts of SQL
1. Introduction to Java Language. 2. Java SDK & IDE
2. Java Basics. Data Types
3. Essential Java Classes. 1. Strings
4. Java OOP. 6. Inner Classes
4. Java OOP. 4. Inheritance and Polymorphism
3. Essential Java Classes 5. Some Useful Classes
Machine Learning: the main goal, some examples and facts
Context management
3. Java Persistence API. 5. Transaction Management
3. Java Persistence API. 4. Entity Relationships
Practical implementation of sh lighting and hdr rendering full-length
Introduction and paradigms. Programming language concepts. (Lecture 1)
Operating system. Chapter 4: Threads
Repository and Unit of Work
Алгоритм Рабина - Карпа. Поиск подстрок сдвигом
Object oriented programming. (Lesson 6, part 2)
VBA development technology. (Lecture 6)
Java RMI
Test documentation and test case design
Customizing I/O. (Chapter 11)
Using jquery. Creating animations, working with graphics, and accessing data
How to install Java
Data Modeling and Databases Lab 3: Introduction to SQL
Advanced x86. BIOS and System Management Mode Internals Reset Vector
Programming logic and design seventh edition. Chapter 5. Looping
Fundamental Concepts of OOP
Programming Logic and Design Seventh Edition
Programming Logic and Design. Chapter 7. File Handling and Applications
Software Development Process Life Cycles