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Лучшие презентации на тему «Математика» за месяц на английском
на всех языках
на русском
на украинском
на английском
на казахском
Treasure and numbers
Постороение сечений
Numbers 11-20
Introduction to vectors
Math end algebra. Vector
Mathematical Analysis 2. Lecture 1. Functions of two or more independent variables. Differential
Matrices - Introduction. Lecture 1-3
Introduction to statistics
Linear Algebra. Chapter 1. Matrix Algebra
Tic Tac Toe. Numbers 20-100 (game)
Linear Regression and Correlation Analysis
Linear Algebra. Chapter 1. Linear Equations in Linear Algebra
Random variables – discrete random variables. Week 6 (2)
Vectors. Lecture 9
Probability Random Variables Preparatory Notes
Chiziqli algebraik tenglamalar sistemasini Kramer
Fuzzy expert systems: fuzzy logic
Discrete Probability Distributions: Binomial and Poisson Distribution. Week 7 (2)
Correlation and Regression
Stolz-Cesaro Theorem
Graphs and Multigraphs
Systems of linear algebraic equations
Random signals II
Trigonometric Identities. Lesson 7.1
Differentiation. A “derivative”,
Modelling with Exponentials and Logarithms
Geometric Modeling - Parametric Representation of Synthetic Curves
Using first derivative. Using second derivative
Method of undetermined coefficients
The Normal and other Continuous Distributions
Introduction to Vectors. Lecture 7
Databases Design. Introduction to SQL. Relational algebra
The function of one variable
Cmpe 466 computer graphics. 3D geometric transformations. (Сhapter 9)
Basics of functions and their graphs
Statistics. Data Description. Data Summarization. Numerical Measures of the Data
Descriptive statistics. Elementary statistics. Larson. Farber. (Chapter 2)
Ch8: Hypothesis Testing (2 Samples)
Hypothesis Testing with Two Samples
Basic transformations of graphs
Evolution strategies
Functions of Random Variables 2. Method of Distribution Functions
Probability Concepts
Binary Variables
Discrete mathematics
Vectors and the geometry of space. Lecture 10.b
Expert judgment method. (Lecture 1-4)
Linear Algebra. Chapter 3. Determinants
Decision Procedures for Presburger Arithmetic
Применение компьютерных технологий в математических и экономических расчётах
Probability and Statistics. Lecture 2. Chapter 3
Probability distributions (chapter 6)
Linear Equations in Linear Algebra
Introduction to normal distributions
Chapter 1. Polynomial and Rational Functions. 3.3. Dividing Polynomials; Remainder and Factor Theorems
Modeling non-stationary variables
Functions and graphs. Chapter 2. Combinations of functions; composite functions
Methods of proof
Quiz 1
Probabilistic Models. Chapter 11
Types of Data – (continued). Week 2 (2)
Displaying data – shape of distributions. Week 3 (1)
Probabilities. Week 5 (2)
Matlab Linear Programming
Confidence interval and Hypothesis testing for population mean (µ) when is known and n (large)
Assessing and comparing classification algorithms
Descriptive statistics. Frequency distributions and their graphs. (Section 2.1)
Correlation and regression
Definition. Statistics
Ryspekov’s Fibonacci sequence formula
Theory without practice is empty, practice without theory is blind
Derivatives of Products and Quotients
Also known as Hysterical Calculus
Hypothesis testing
Functions and their graphs
Straight lines and Linear Equations
Построение графиков гармонических колебаний
Surface area and volumes
System of linear equations. Lecture 4-5
Foundation Year Program NUFYP Mathematics
4.2 Introduction to Limits
Differentiation. Sketching functions
Linear Regression. Regression model evaluation metrics. Lecture 5
Review of Basic Concepts in Statistics
Vectors. Lecture 8
The circle, the circumference and their elements. The central angle
Descriptive Statistics Graphing Techniques
Matrix Algebra аnd Simultaneous Linear Equations. Lecture 10
Functions Defined on General Sets (section 7.1)
Random signals
Calculus - 2. Lecture -1. Numerical Integration
Differential equations. Lecture 1
Discrete probability distributions (chapter 5)
Lecture 6 – Integrals
The mean
Measures of variation. Week 4 (1)
Stylistics as a science
Cutting a Pie is Not a Piece of Cake